Different Kinds of Vitamin C – Which is Best?

Why do people need Vitamin C anyway? If you want to stay healthy this fall, getting yourself a decent vitamin C supplement is one way to protect yourself. During times of heightened need, such as illness or infection, your body consumes more vitamin C, therefore daily supplies are likely to be depleted. This is when … Read more

What is a health coach, exactly? What can they do?

In New Jersey, an increasing number of people are turning to health coaches to help them break old habits and replace them with new, healthy ones. For people with chronic diseases, health coaches are crucial healthcare partners who specialize in human behavior, motivation, and overall wellness. They assist their clients in setting and achieving health … Read more

Food Rules for Healthier Living

Don’t eat late at night. Studies suggest that  eating outside of our typical routine, such as late at night, can lead to weight gain and increased blood sugar levels, which can increase the risk of chronic disease. Studies reveal that when food is ingested late at night either after dinner or at any time other … Read more

What Does Inflammation Do to the Body?

In some cases, the immune system inadvertently initiates an inflammatory reaction. Autoimmune disorders are an example of this. The body attacks healthy tissues, mistaking them for sick or abnormal ones. It has been discovered to be a significant component in practically every chronic disease that affects around 133 million Americans, or more than 40% of … Read more

How Pilates Changes Your Body

“In 10 sessions you will feel the difference, in 20 you will see the difference, and in 30 you’ll have a whole new body.” Joseph Pilates famously said. What are the advantages of Pilates ? Pilates has a wide range of benefits when practiced on a regular basis. Anyone, regardless of age, can begin. You … Read more

How does diet affect cardiovascular risk factors?

The nation’s leading cause of death Despite all of the advances in medical research in recent decades to tackle heart disease, cardiovascular disease remains the nation’s leading cause of death. Every 34 seconds, someone in the United States has a heart attack and every 40 seconds, a person in the United States dies of heart … Read more